
                                          Space Voyages                                                                                           

          One can imagine it like this: a crew of astronauts are travelling in the rocket to one of the  planets             located in the  system of Alfa-Centaura star. They land and get off, discover many unusual                       phenomena and come back to the Earth in  triumph. Well done!
             Sorry for being boring a bit. At first let's define the notions. So, we have a system "man + vehicle".             The  possibilities of  the system are limited by its components: a) by man's physiology
                                                                                                       b) by vehicle's  speed
                             Let's start with the first one and consider only two factors out of many. The first: let's take into consideration his life-span, namely his active period of life is approximately 50 years.The second factor is his ability to bear g-loading. It's doubtful he can bear 1,5g  for let's say two years (and don't  tell us about any baths, freezing, etc.). Therefore let's take as maximum 1,5g.
Now let's match up the accepted parameters with the vehicle's speed. The limit of  velocity is the speed of light (300.000km/hour). The fans of fast driving should be warned : substance when approaching to the light speed begins to change some of its properties, it can lead to death. Let's suppose the rocket is able to approach the speed half
the speed of the light speed (150.000km/hour), then it will take 2 or 3 years to the rocket acceleration (the same as to retarding before landing). On the way back we have the same situation. Totally it takes from 8 to 12 years only to accelerate and retard. We seem still to go to Alfa-Centaura, don't we?
As you know Alfa-Centaura is the nearest star to the Earth, its light goes to us during 3 or 4 light years (by the way, no planets have been discovered there yet). If we calculate we'll get : the voyage to the nearest star will last about 25 years. Oho!  The most inveterate criminals receive no more than 15 years of imprisonment. But other stars are too far from us. It means that no man can be present on board the space ship. It's a pity there won't be any traces of a man's presence on the surfaces of other planets. But we are in the third millennium already. Ask your children:"who would like to be an astronaut today?" and one question more: "Who would like to be  Harry Potter"?  Children prefer Harry. What kind of hero is Harry Potter? Why is he so popular? Why do children like him? We'll get an answer when we ask ourselves if this personage is from tale, if  he is real or virtual?  We can't help it but today children are not interested in tale's personages, their heroes are show stars. I think these stars are virtual heroes. One can see only their image and verisimilitude of their star existence is imitated thru mass media by rumors, gossips, scandals etc. H.Potter is a virtual character analogous to the heroes of computer games that our children like to play very much.  He is the very person who corresponds to the outlook of the present generation. For him people of the previous generation are magles (so they are called in the book). And what about films?  Let's compare "Solaris" (the producer is A.Tarkovsky) with "Matrix": in the first film we have real people, in the second all the characters are virtual. Moreover, computer games are filmed now like "Bloodrain". And spectators are the youth. In such films even tricks are made with the help of a computer.  Spectators know it, they are aware of it but they admit it properly, meaning: "why must the actor do all this himself? - it's difficult". This generation won't want to be in the closed space during 25 years, walk in the dust of other planets wearing heavy  scaphandres. They are right! One can get every kind of impressions staying inside, without even leaving his or her room.   Robot will broadcast to the Earth much more information as compared with that a man can get wearing a scaphandre or without it.  Robot's angle of sight is wider than a man's one,  it can function like a telescope and a microscope, it can see infra-red rays and other kinds of radiation, it can go everywhere even to the places where a man can't be present, it can "feel"and "smell" and  transform every kind of information adapted to a man. We can observe it these days. Let's compare the amount of information obtained by a robot-cart and information obtained by american astronauts during their dangerous staying on the Moon. It should be taken into consideration the rocket with a robot on board can fly from one constellation to another without coming back to the Earth. It means it can fly twice as much using the same resources. It doesn't make any sense to make the rocket come back: it will broadcast necessary information and flying in space for 200 or 400 years it  will become obsolescent.  Nowadays the rockets are launched  to the space without the returning program.
System "robot + vehicle" is safer, cheaper, more informative, more reliable, of longer duration. It 's perspective. It's time to give up the projects of  a man-handled space ships.
Why I am saying "the vehicle"? Because I don't consider a rocket to be the top of the development of transport. Let's follow the history of  transport development. One can distinguish certain periods here:
 1.The man himself, actually his legs. The man goes at a speed of 5km/hour, for a short time he can go at 10km/hour.                                                                                            Let's write down like this: 1.101 km/hr
2.Cartage, horses, camels,etc. Here speed increases to 20-30km/hr, the limit is 100km/hr.                   
                                                                                     Let's write down like this: 1.102 km/h
3.Vehicles, trains, cars. Here speed is to 100-200km/hr. In some cases to 500km/hr.the limit is not more than 1000km/hr                                                                      Let's write down like this: 1.103 km/hr

4.Air transport. Speed exceeds 1000km/hr. Today it's clear the air transport can't exceed 10.000km/hr.                                                                   Let's write down like this: 1.104 km/hr

5.Rocket transport. The top of nowadays, its intensive development has been lasting for more than 60 years already. Speed is several thousands km. But there must be a limit.But what limit? There are no data yet but  the analogy suggests most probably 100.000km/hr                                         Let's write down like this: 1.105 km/hr

We have accepted the desirable speed of space flight is 150.000km/sec which  equals 5,4 . 108 km/hr. It means we are going to run in still three or four stages more .It's the turn of the sixth stage now. What kind of transport can it be? It's clear an absolutely new kind is needed. We are expecting the innovators' ideas like those about  an air-carpet or  Jule Verne's ideas about rockets. They seemed unreal at that time but they existed at least.
Where are the innovators?     

                                                         *  *  *
In the chapter about UFO we spoke of the possible meeting with living beings from other planets. Such meeting can obviously take place after the "meeting" with a robot-researcher if those who sent this robot are able to reach the Earth.

                                                                       *  *  *      
In the notes to Part 1  we spoke about the unusual properties in the boundary zones. It's an amusing fact the transition from one level to higher one in the development of transport is accompanied by the appearance of certain hybrids. For example, from the first  to the second level a centaur appeared (people considered it to be real). From the second to the third level   a "mechanical horse" was created which even could move. Do you remember the first cars looked like carriages? While transiting to the forth level superpower  machines were created which could move at a speed of 600km/hr. It should be mentioned they could move only in the limited area and on the horizontal surface of a certain salt lake. Besides a "stratoplane"  was being created for a long time (the idea seems to exist so far). All these projects practically were not viable. The well-known shuttle which was the boast of the creators is half a rocket and half a plane. It reminds me the next mutant with its modern technologies. What's the perspective of this construction? It's only able to serve the space stations situated around the Earth. This construction has already become obsolete.
                                                New ideas require new embodiment !  

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