Part 2 

                                                Time  Machine

Is its existence feasible?  What does the notion "Time Machine" mean? Machine - it's clear. But what about Time? None of  the encyclopaedias, no philosophy give clear definition of time, except dialectical materialism, where Time is declared as a form of substance, but it hasn't been verified yet. Let's ask just a few out of "everlasting"  questions:
 1.Is Time a material category?
 2.Is Time monoplex or multiplex?
 3.Do we pass Time by or Time passes by us?
 4.Time is a relativistic category  - what does it mean?
 5.Why Velocity has a limit? One of its components -  length has no limit, does it mean the other component has it? Does    Time really has a limit?
 6.Why is velocity a vector quantity? One of its components - length is not a vector, does it mean the other one -Time is a      vector, or not?
 7.Can one reduce speed or accelerate the flow of time?
 8. Can one  stop the flow of time?
Can you answer these questions? Let's try to answer them together. Let's start from prehistoric times. It goes without saying the notion of TIME had appeared  long before the notion of   2 x 2= 4, in other words  long before real science  arose.. Any life on the Earth is adapted to the change of a day and a night . Animals synchronize their  actions according to their instincts as to dark and light periods of time. Homo sapience needs  to act reasonably. Of course, he didn't know the Earth was rotating , but he guessed some srtrict rhythm in the change of a day and a night - it was  already  the notion of TIME. So it happened  the Earth presented  primary standard of time to mankind, and then the man himself created secondary standards: clocks, chronometers, etc. Please pay attention  to the fact all the standards and the Earth itself are moving!
And what will come out when  mankind is deprived of these standards? Such experiments were carried out. The man as well as animals  stop feeling if it is a day or a night (under artificial light).
What can happen if a large meteorite crashes against the Earth tangentially? Obviously the Earth will change the period of its rotation, let say  for 0,1%. It'll be 1,5minutes in 24 hours and  45 min. in a month , it means that in a year day will be changed by night(according to timepiece).  All timepieces, a lot of devices and equipment should be remade or discarded. Let's compare with other standards, for example with international standards of a meter or a kilogram which are now in Greenwich. In case they are destroyed all the secondary standards are active, even your ruler.Time is considered to be one of the dimensions. Let's correspond  it with the system of dimensions created by us in Part 1. So zero-dimension: it's clear it has no Time. First dimension also has no Time. Second and third dimensions  have no Time.   Fourth dimension has no Time. In    5-6-7 dimensions we used the notion of a coefficient of processes intensity (vectoe coefficient) and having used it we were able to describe motion. Let's agree to the fact there is a basic difference between the notion of Time and the notion of a Coefficient.
If you understood it we can answer the above mentioned "everlasting"questions:
1. A Coefficient isn't material by any means.
2. We know the Coefficient is multiplex.
3. In general the processes can move in one direction and in opposite one.
4. The motion itself is relevant.*
5. The Coefficient is known to have a limit.
6. The coefficient itself  is vector quantity.
7-8. The intensity of a process can be changed (within the Coefficient , when   K=0 the process is  interrupted)
* To begin with let's come to understanding not to overuse the expression  "Time is a relative category". It was Einstaine (who liked playing tricks) who cast a slogan to tiresome journalists.(In advertising business a slogan is a bright, easy-to-remember expression actually not having  some deep meaning . For example, "Cleanliness is cleanly Tide").
Let's consult an explanatory dictionary and get convinced that Time can't be  a notion (but it's a notion itself that can be Time). The word "relatively"can be used  only with reference to something (water has risen relatively to ordnance-datum,etc.) 
And now let"s imagine there is only one body in infinity-dimensional space. Can we define if it is moving or not? By the way, we can measure the size of this body, to determine its mass, temperature, composition. But what can we determine with the help of a timepiece? And only if there is another body we can speak of possible motion. Motion is a relative category.
** For example: a kettle is on the stove -  we can  icrease or reduce the coefficient of intensity of heating process by just changing  the head of gas. Turning off gas we'll stop the process. Have you noticed questions 7-8 are actually about time machine?  Regulating the head of gas you handle a real time machine . Look around yourself : a refrigerator, a car and so on  are such machines. Everywhere where you can start or regulate a process  you control time. Actually a man himself can be such "time machine", for example changing walking into running.
Let's consider travelling to the future (past) citing a specific example:  there is a glass on your table.  Let's assume its future is to be on the other side of the table. Remove the glass - by this action you have sent it to the future. Now let's put it at its previous place - by this action you have sent it to the past. Let's assume the glass' future is to be at another place of the table, where temperature is higher than now. Let's heat the glass and remove it - we have sent it to the future.Let's complicate the example: in future it will be heated and filled with water. Having the possibility to control the processes ( to remove, to heat or to cool, to fill or to empty) we send the object to its future as well as to its past . But having assumed that in the next removing the glass will be broken, we'll have the situation when it's impossible to control the process. Such  reversion or non-reversion of the processes  stipulate possibilities to travel to the past.The same situation is  with the future: we can  purposefully reach the future only with the help of some available today's methods of processes' control. In ordinary life:  if you want to become the World champion in running  you must control some available( for you)processes: do training, give up smoking, etc. If you want to travel to the past, there is no problem, but actually you can travel only to your own past.  You should  reverse all the processes which took place during  your life and in the Universe.If you can do it we advise you not to be so enthusiastic about it and to remember that your body consists of atoms and  where each of these atoms was  many years ago nobody can imagine.   
Well, we have discussed "Time Machine" and as a result we have come to understanding the notion of Time.
In everyday life the notion of Time gives the man the possibility to synchronize the events (processes). For all that  he orients himself with respect to the accepted primary standard (that is the Earth"s rotation).For example he can make an appointment at 5 oçlock, orienting with respect to the secondary standard (timepiece) or to agree to meet in the evening -  here we use  "primary standard". Let it be so as it's convenient and habitual but for Physics this notion only retards its development.What about the theory of relativity and its conclusions?  For example, by approaching the light velocity time is flowing more slowly. What does it mean "by approaching"? Has a hare running past a snail already approached the light velocity in snail's opinion? We should consider  the theory of relativity in a new different way. By the way, we havn't contended that the coefficient  of  motion intensity is linear. Just on the contrary - being linear it seems strange in dimensions where everything is depicted with sinuses and cosinuses.
The coefficient is represented by a line of tangences (see fig.). The range of velocity which is
 available for us are at the lower part of the curve, almost near zero , where the rising of the curve is so small, that we even don't feel it. Moreover our devices can't  measure  the change of  quantity t. We see  abrupt rising of the coefficient values at the upper part of the curve. Here we can observe explicit effects which follow from the theory of relativity.
Well, the accuracy of our devices, our standards are by several orders of magnitude less than we'd like to have. It should be admitted they have exhausted their possibilities.While measuring time of 100 meters running accuracy up to 0.01sec. appeared insufficient.Then accuracy up to 0.001sec was achieved. But it appeared insufficient, too. The winner is determined with the help of photo finish. This fact is very symptomatic. Have you understood what happened? We have abandoned our standards de-facto and changed over to measurement of motion by motion itself !
Well , how about  the promised hysteresis loop? Let's come back to our still unbroken glass. Its future is to be on the other side of the table. So if you take the glass, go around the room and place the glass where it should be  - it means you placed it in the future.  Now simply move it along the table - (you placed it in the past). It means you have cut hystresis loop.
So pondering over "Time Machine" we discovered something much more important.
Good luck to you !
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